compression socks for leg injury

The Importance Of Compression Socks In Recovering From Leg Injuries

Can you imagine that just a compact-looking garment piece could help you recover from that leg injury that might have been causing you a lot of distress for so long? Sounds promising, doesn’t it? The very garment piece that we’re referring to is a compression sock. Typically worn as a pair on both legs, compression socks are quite effective in aiding an individual recovering from an injury by encouraging a healthy blood flow throughout the legs. The pressure is applied gradually; that is, it is the tightest around the ankles and goes on decreasing as it moves upwards. But that’s not all for the mechanism of these medical garments, as they do much more than just applying graduated pressure. Read on; we delve deeper into knowing how exactly compression socks help an individual recover from leg injuries.

Enhances Blood Circulation

Those having a leg injury are bound to get less mobile. This causes reduced blood flow in their legs, due to which they become more prone to face instances of blood clots and other vein-related issues. Moreover, due to gravity, it’s already difficult for the legs to pump back blood to the heart, and the injury makes the whole process more arduous. By wearing compression socks for leg injury, you make it a bit effortless for the legs to throw blood back to the heart. This allows the body to maintain a healthy blood flow throughout various parts with which new and healthy platelets and plasma cells make their way to the injured area to support healing.

Reduces Swelling

It’s common for an individual to get swollen legs due to an injury. Severe injuries can even cause edema that can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. By wearing graduated compression socks, you increase the venous blood flow to prevent blood and fluid pooling in the limbs that causes swelling. For athletes, the increased blood flow provides their muscles with more oxygen, reducing their chances of swelled legs after exercising while recovering from an injury.

Lessens Pain

leg compression for recovery

One might experience variable levels of pain throughout their recovery journey from a leg injury. Reasons are numerous that back this caused pain, the foremost of which is poor circulation. The gentle pressure exerted by compression socks provides enough leg compression for recovery, helping the individual get rid of the pain that they might be experiencing. The enhanced blood flow even helps prevent blood clots, a common issue during cases of leg injury. By regularly wearing these medical garments, your arteries get relaxed too, allowing the oxygen-rich blood to freely reach the injured muscles, helping them recover more easily.

Prevents Muscle Strain

Exercising has its own share in helping you recover faster from an injury. With enhanced blood flow, improved mobility, and built strength, your body finds it easier to cope with the damaged tissue and heals it suitably. By incorporating practicable exercises into your daily routine, you can even reduce the chances of re-injury and get back to your daily activities safely. However, a common concern for those exercising while recovering from an injury is muscle strains. It’s a condition wherein the muscle fibers are torn by too much pressure/stress. This is where the role of compression socks comes into play, as they lessen the instances of muscle strain while exercising, allowing you to continue with your fitness regime.

Reduces Dizziness Instances

Due to the decreased moving ability, injured individuals might also face the problem of feeling unsteady or dizzy after intervals of prolonged sitting in the same position. Cramped sitting causes the blood to pool in the legs only, restricting its natural flow towards the heart. By putting on compression socks, you improve the blood flow and reduce the risk of orthostatic hypotension (sudden drop in blood pressure when you stand up from a sitting or lying down position). This gentle pressure exerted by these compact garment pieces increases the veins’ diameter, facilitating more blood flow to the heart and reducing the occurrence of dizziness.

Helps Treat/Prevent Spider And Varicose Veins

After an injury, you are more susceptible to facing the complications of spider and varicose veins. The caused trauma or bruising might enlarge the veins, leading to spider veins. On the other hand, due to less maneuverability, blood gets pooled in the veins, which might damage the veins’ valves, leading to varicose veins. By regularly wearing compression socks, you enhance blood flow throughout the legs, which can prevent blood pooling in the legs, saving you from varicose veins. Moreover, these socks also help you alleviate some of the symptoms related to both these vein-related ailments.

Prevents Blood Clots

Prevents Blood Clots

Another common malady that many people face after an injury is blood clots. It might be caused either by the damaged blood vessel, causing the platelets and proteins to work together to form a clot, which is a completely natural process for the body. Although they don’t pose any serious threat, if left untreated they might even become fatal. Compression socks based on the 20-30 mmHg compression level work best to prevent the formation of blood clots as they apply a graduated pressure on the legs, facilitating better blood circulation throughout the legs.

Improves Lymphatic Drainage

A great part of recovery from injuries for athletes is to have a properly working lymphatic system. Having it working appropriately allows the body to get rid of metabolic waste products like lactic acid from the muscles, which causes issues like soreness and fatigue. Proper lymphatic drainage helps reduce swelling and edema that might be caused by injury. Moreover, it also helps improve blood circulation and lymph flow, leading to better healing of even micro-injuries.

Closing Remarks

Compression socks equally serve both normal individuals and athletes. Acting as a circulatory pump, they enhance blood circulation throughout the legs, facilitating healthy blood flow all over the body, aiding you to recover faster from a leg injury and get going with day-to-day life. For your compression socks needs, you can trust our brand, SNUG360, as we supply an advanced range of unisex compression socks based on different compression levels made using high-grade fabric.

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