Tips For Managing Swollen Legs And Feet During Pregnancy

Tips For Managing Swollen Legs And Feet During Pregnancy

Swollen legs and feet are one of the major inconveniences that pregnant ladies face during pregnancy. Many factors result in this concern for them. Their body begins retaining more fluid; the growing uterus puts pressure in excess on the veins of the pelvis and legs, which slows down the sending of blood back to the heart; and more. Additionally, hormonal changes also play their part in causing them hardship by swelling their legs and feet. Irrespective of the cause, swelling in the legs and feet is frustrating. So how to resolve this ailment? Fortunately, there are several measures following which can yield favorable results for getting rid of swelling in the legs and feet. Read ahead as we explore some of the most viable tips that work like a charm to make feet and legs less puffy.

 1. Wear Compression Socks

These are specialized medical garments also known as pregnancy compression socks. Many of the well-known healthcare professionals recommend using these socks during pregnancy. The gentle squeezing mechanism that these socks carry helps push back blood to the heart more conveniently; that’s already quite a demanding activity for legs due to gravity’s pull. By facilitating a healthy blood flow throughout the body, they prevent fluid buildup in the legs. Compression socks come in different options, each bearing a different compression level, but socks having mild compression (15-20 mmHg) are found to be the most effective for tackling the issue of swelling in legs and feet. We at SNUG360 have got you covered for this need of yours with our extensive range of compression socks. Made using premium lightweight material, they provide all-around comfort and breathability to you for unmatched tranquillity.

2. Avoid Prolonged Standing Or Seating

During pregnancy, make it a habit to not stay on your feet for elongated periods. Doing otherwise puts an extra strain on your legs and feet, causing swelling and a feeling of heaviness in them. Furthermore, sitting for too long in a cramped position is again not good for your legs’ health. Still, if your job’s requirements mandate you to stand for too long, try wearing compression socks for pregnancy swelling, as they will facilitate an optimal bloodstream in your body. Take regular breaks and move around a bit. Elevate your feet and legs up to a certain level and try rotating your feet in a circular motion by taking your ankles as the center. Stretch your calf muscles as well, as they are a major part of your body's venous pump, which helps blood flow back to the heart from the lower extremities.

3. Wear Comfortable Shoes

Shift your focus from looking good to actually being good. Although high heels look appealing, you need to avoid wearing them during pregnancy if you want to reduce instances of leg and foot swelling. Invest in a pair of durable, comfortable shoes that support your feet and legs. Doing so not only prevents pain in the legs and feet but also saves you from backaches. Go with an option that has a low heel but isn’t completely flat. Avoid options having a tight strap or requiring you to bend over just to tie and untie them. You can even choose shoes having a mesh, allowing your feet to breathe.

4. Fulfill Your Water Requirements

While accumulated fluid is a major cause of swollen legs and feet, not fulfilling your daily water requirements might aggravate this situation. The science behind this is due to dehydration; the body starts retaining fluid to compensate for the lack of water, causing swelling that’s commonly referred to as edema. This fluid retention leads to blood vessels getting narrowed, resulting in fluids getting stored in the spaces between the cells. Therefore, it’s advised to fulfill your daily water consumption needs to let the kidneys flush out the bad stuff, keeping the whole body healthy and happy. You can keep a giant bottle accompanied by a small, adorable cup that makes the practice of drinking water appealing to you. For better flavor and nutrition, add lemon, mint, fruits, herbs, or spices to the water.

5. Practice Massaging

Massaging is an age-old healing tradition used to relieve pain, reduce stress, and improve circulation. It helps with moving lymph fluid out of the tissues into the lymph nodes, which reduces swelling. Getting a prenatal massage after the first trimester is generally considered safe and effective in providing benefits like pain relief, stress reduction, and sleep improvement. For it, try an Epsom salt soak before the massage to relax muscles and prepare the legs for massage. Coconut oil, sesame oil, and olive oil are some of the best choices that you can use to massage your feet and legs.

6. Cut Down Sodium, Caffeine And Have More Potassium

A healthy diet has a crucial role in preventing and resolving swollen feet and legs. For it, reduce your sodium and caffeine intake, and try having more potassium-rich foods. Eating more sodium and caffeine causes fluid retention and dehydration, which ultimately causes swelling. Thus, try choosing low-sodium versions of foods that you are fond of or are necessary for your body during pregnancy. Always prefer having fresh produce over packaged foodstuff. Caffeine, on the other hand, is a diuretic, causing you to urinate more often. For potassium fulfillment, try having food items like sweet potatoes (with skin), bananas, spinach, beans, beetroot, salmon, and lentils.

7. Sleep On The Left Side

By choosing to sleep on your left side, you take pressure off the large vein (inferior vena cava) that pushes back blood to the heart from your body’s lower extremities. Plus, this way you allow the body’s lymph fluid to drain properly, reduce swelling, and improve your immune system as well. You can even try elevating your legs up to a certain extent using pillows to further facilitate the legs sending blood back to the heart.

8. Do Exercise

Light exercises like walking, biking, ankle pumps, knee extension kicks, and mini squats are great for combating the issue of swollen legs and feet. Try making it a daily habit of yours to regularly do foot exercises. Either you can go on short walks multiple times a day or choose to simply do foot exercises while sitting or standing. One thing worth keeping in mind is to avoid doing any kind of vigorous exercise as it’s not considered safe.

9. Try Standing Or Walking In The Pool

Although there’s no study backing it, it’s said that standing or walking in a pool filled with water up to the neck helps reduce swelling in feet and legs. Try immersing yourself in a pool filled with water having a moderate temperature for about 20 minutes at least. Doing so will help you compress leg tissues that further act to move the steady fluid. This water therapy will provide you relief from stress and pain.

Final Thoughts

While swollen legs and feet prove helpful to stay unoccupied from unnecessary pieces of work, it might inhibit your ability to carry on with activities of daily living. Despite being a normal complaint during pregnancy, mothers need not ignore it, as sudden swelling might signal a serious illness as well. So keep in mind following all the above-given tips to ensure you can have non-puffier legs and feet. We at SNUG360, always strive to support pregnant women to make pregnancy a pleasant journey for them. Explore our range of compression socks & stockings to keep issues like swelling in feet and legs at bay.

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